ITYSailing Cruises

Terms & Conditions

Deposit and Payment 


 To confirm your reservation, a down payment of 30% of the charter fee per person is required within seven (7) days from the date of booking. The rest of the payment (70%) is required 30 days prior to the   embarkation date. We accept payments via Visa, MasterCard or by money transfer. ITY Cruises reserves the right to cancel reservations if payments are not received on the required dates.

 Cancellation Policy 


● More than 60 days prior to the date of embarkation: the cancellation fee amounts to 30% of the total charter fee.

● 60-30 days prior to the date of embarkation: the cancellation fee amounts to 50% of the total charter fee.

● Less than 30 days prior to the date of embarkation: the cancellation fee amounts to 100% of the total charter fee

● If the chartered yacht is rechartered to another client on the same dates and under the same conditions, the cancellation fee only amounts to 200€ (file expenses)

Refund Policy 


● No refund will be issued in case of cancellation after the embarkation or if the client hasn’t boarded on the required date.

● ITY Cruises will refund only the person who made the reservation.

● Only the amount that has been received will be refunded.

● In case of yacht substitution, no refund will be issued as long as the substitute yacht is of the same standard.

● In case of mechanical issues, collision or other unexpected events that render the yacht out of commission for more than 48 hours (thus disrupting the cruise), and if no other arrangement has been made (i.e. substitute boat, hotel accomodation), the client is entitled to a refund proportionate to the remaining days of their cruise.



 ITY Cruises may cancel any cruise at any time without disclosing specific reasons. Refunds will be issued according to the above.

 ITY Cruises liability is limited to the boat. Any arrangements made by or for passengers either before boarding or when disembarking are at the passenger’s own risk.

 ITY Cruises does not own or control any ground transportation or hotels. For our clients’ convenience, we may arrange services for land excursions (e.g. sightseeing) which are operated by independent   contractors, but will not be responsible in any way whatsoever for any damage, loss, injury or death.

 ITY Cruises does not accept responsibility for any illegal actions a client may commit while on board, as well as before and after boarding the yacht.



 All boats are under fully comprehensive and third party insurances. The insurance covers the medical expenses in case of injury on board during the cruise and the cost of personal belongings in case of   accidents that may occur while at sea. However, the insurance does not cover the accidents or injuries etc. that may occur beyond the boat, thus we do advise you to have your own personal travel, health,   accident, cancellation, luggage and trip-interruption insurance.

Force Majeure 


 We do not accept liability for any loss, damage or expense resulting from war or terrorist activities, threatened or actual, civil unrest, industrial action, weather conditions, fire, flood, drought, harbour &   airport regulations and closure, unforeseen alterations to public transport schedules, rescheduling of aircrafts, boats, or any type of transportation means or any other event outside our control which either   delays or extends the holiday arrangements.



 Any complaints that arise during the cruise should be reported to the captain. The captain will notify our headquarters.

 Any complaints that arise after the completion of the cruise should be made in writing within 15 days and emailed to our headquarters. Beyond the 15-day period, no complaints are taken into consideration.